Natanael Acero

Full Stack Developer

I'm a software developer based in Aguascalientes, México. I have +2 years of experience working with Javascript technologies like Angular, Ionic, Node.js, MongoDB, Express. Yet, I learn continuously and never stop exploring new technologies. I have also gained knowledge of React, React Native, Testing library, Jest, Tailwind CSS working on personal projects.


Full Stack Developer at Vianney Textil Hogar

Jul 2022 - Present

Aguascalientes, México

  • Develop Web and Mobile apps using Angular, Ionic, NodeJS, Express,MongoDB and Oracle.
  • Develop windows automated services.
  • Review application requirements.
  • Work with Agile SCRUM.
  • Design interfaces.
  • Database modeling.

Intern React Developer at Irys (Remote)

Jan 2022 - Apr 2022

San Antonio, Texas

  • Develop scalable, customizable and reusable React components with Storybook and Styled components.
  • Design unit tests with React Testing Library and Jest.
  • Work with agile SCRUM and test-driven development.

MEAN Stack Developer at Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes

Aug 2020 - Apr 2022

Aguascalientes, México

  • Develop Web and Mobile apps using Angular, Ionic, NodeJS, Express and MongoDB.
  • Review application requirements.
  • Work with Agile SCRUM.
  • Contribute to interface ideas and design interfaces.
  • Contribute to database modeling.
  • Support developed Web and Mobile apps.


Software Development and Management Engineer

2020 - 2022

Aguascalientes, México

  • Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes

Information Technologies Associate Degree

2018 - 2020

Aguascalientes, México

  • Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes

SCRUM Course

Jan 2020 - Jan 2020

Aguascalientes, México

  • Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes

Git Course

Nov 2019 - Dec 2019

Aguascalientes, México

  • Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes


  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Jest
  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • Ionic
  • Express
  • Testing library
  • Storybook
  • MongoDB
  • Teamwork
  • Growth mindset
  • Adaptability